Welcome to the Supplier Registration Page

Dear Valued Suppliers,


Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery Company (SASREF) welcomes you to its supplier portal, where collaboration is convenient and direct. The portal is the gate for potential suppliers to register, and then interact with SASREF. Information exchanged is governed by SASREF’s privacy regulation and will be maintained safely.


Thanks & we look for a unique relationship with you.


Mobile Number format: +Country code XXXXXXX. There should be no space between country code and phone number (e.g. +961XXXXXX).

The Passcode will be sent to the contact person mobile number. Please keep the number always active.



* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory

General Company Information

Additional Information


PO Box Address
PO Box Without Number


Contact Details

Product Categories *

No product categories selected


Data Privacy Statement
Data Privacy Statement

We hereby confirm and agree that the mobile number provided above is officially registered and legally owned by our company and will be shall solely be used by the officially designated Company employees who will be allowed to work on SASREF Supplier Portal and we further irrevocably confirm that we shall fully comply with SASREF Supplier Portal terms and conditions.